• I like tech, sailing, random walks through the city, simple vineyards, adventurous escapades, staring at airplanes, and impromptu whiteboarding.


    Since selling my last company, I am dividing my time across three areas:

    • Developing my own ventures in generative ai and publishing the vulnerable process (substack)
    • Building community with intention of meeting my life cofounder (insta)
    • Advising founders and investing in early stage companies (How I invest)

    Recently, I coded up Sage and co-created SkimIt.ai. I'll continue to favor motion over meditation.


    I founded Budsies, Sparkology, and a handful of web apps. Budsies was a SaaS manufacturing play with multiple DTC brands, including the flagship namesake that brings kids' artwork to life through adorable stuffed animals (exited 2021). Sparkology was an invite-only dating app for well-intentioned singles (exited 2016).


    Before the leap, I traveled the world to sell consumer tech for OpenPeak. I also helped raise a few pennies and learned how growth companies run. I know finance is out of fashion, but I’m proud of my Evercore finTech M&A beginnings and am glad to still be close with my old team. I’ve also worked at UBS, Lockheed Martin, and consulted other startups both formally and on park benches (preferred).


    I learned to dream big at UPenn. Engineering, finance, entrepreneurship, math, and magna cum laude may complete your checkboxes... but it’s the lasting friendships and projects that inspired me the most.

  • Projects

    Generative AI Stealth

    October 2022 - Present

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    Magnetic Ventures: Advisory + Strategic Seed Investment

    June 2022 - Present

    • Long-form thought leader in culture, growth, and product. See Substack here.
    • Direct advisory to founders and founding teams
    • Direct strategic investment ($25K-$75K) in early stage growth companies
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    Budsies, Petsies, Stuffed Animal Pros (Sold)


    Built successful consumer brand for custom plush. Includes Budsies (custom plush of any character), Selfies (custom plush dolls of people), and Petsies (custom plush lookalikes of pets), Stuffed Animal Pros (bulk custom plush for brands and book authors). Everything is powered by MakerWare, the in house SaaS manufacturing platform that enables global one-off production at scale.


    Over 150,000 custom custom plushies have been created, and the company has been featured on Shark Tank, NY Times, Parents Magazine and countless other media outlets.


    Grew the company from ideation on back of napkin to become the world's largest and fastest on-demand custom plush service. We have an incredible team that is building an awesome 21st century bespoke brand.

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    Sparkology (Sold)


    New York's invite-only dating site for young professionals. With over 20,000 members, Sparkology set a new standard for singles. Sold business in 2016.

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    Director of Business Development

    Innovative technology company at the crossroads of media and communication.

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    Evercore Partners Investment Bank


    M&A investment banking focused on the financial technology space, including the $2.55 billion dollar deal between E*TRADE and Citadel as well as the deal between NY Stock Exchange and NYFIX.

    Other Projects

    • SkimIt.ai
    • SageAi.pro
    • Swacket: iOS Weather App (Advisor)
    • EasyBib: #1 online bibliography service (Advisor)
    • AutoP.in: show off your whip; the About.Me for cars
    • TrueContractor.com: find trusted local contractors based on referrals from your extended social network
    • Free Advice Project: intentionally offline social project that engaged local communities in cities across the US

    Board Positions & Memberships

    • EO Member
    • Jewish Federation of LA: Community Leadership Institute
    • South Florida Penn Club - President
    • Wharton Club of South Florida - Executive Board
  • If I only knew then what I know now...

  • reach out